Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going Prezi

How does this electronic space refashion its predecessor?  How does it claim to improve on print's ability to make our thoughts visible and to constitute the lines of communication for our society?

Throughout my higher years in school teachers and professors have been using powerpoints to present a lesson. With numerous amounts of slides with tons of bullet points it leaves you bored. Powerpoints kill presentations, while Prezis keep you alive in the class. Prezi helps engage the reader. Instead of going into unnecessary details one sentence can bring out a lot of details. In class on Monday, Dr Lay presented a Prezi on Bolters chapter 1. I think without reading it I got the whole summary on what chapter one was about. With all the cool effect(upside down, twisting, turning, rotating) it grabs the attention from the audience.  In essence, it’s simpler and fancier than powerpoint.

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