Observation: The group went over the history and evolution of the book. The group included a lot of comparisons for the audience to get a better understanding. Luke showed us the kindle to provide us of an example on how the printed book refashioned into the e-book and then grew into a kindle. He then explained how things are more useful to read if they are popular. So the electronic book keeps out unpopular information. Their organization of their presentation showed how well prepared they were.
Infer: Electronic book is a text with images that is digitally produced. The beginning of the presentation brought us back into the days on how it all started with papyrus rolls then grew into Codex. Then they explained how it developed into the printed book and then to an electronic book. Information is easier access than ever before. These ebooks make browsing a "breezy" experience. Information has become more available to the users.
1. Do you think electronic books(Ipad, kindle, Ebooks), will seize a printed book?
2. Do you think libraries are going to close down?
3. What's next after the Electronic book?
4. Would remediation of one form to another may ever be complete?
5. Personally what would you choose, a printed book or a electronic book? why?
6. What are the pros and cons of the Ebook?
5. I would choose a printed book, but only because I grew up with books. The experience of opening a freshly new book and flipping through the crisp pages is something I've been accustomed too and as much as I love reading blogs and articles on the internet or off my ipod, novels would be unimaginable to read off an electronic book.